從「華人中的華人」到「改信伊斯蘭教的『唐人』」: 印尼西加里曼丹山口洋客家穆斯林之探究 


本文以印尼西加里曼丹省山口洋市改信伊斯蘭教的客家人為研究對象,分析 其改變宗教信仰的原因、過程與經驗。為認識與理解研究對象所處社會脈絡與樣 貌,本文首先從西加里曼丹的歷史談起,同時描繪出山口洋華人聚落特性,以及從「元宵節遊行」以及市中心因設立龍的雕像而引發的爭議兩個事件勾勒該市的族群 關係。此外,由於本文以成為穆斯林的客家人為主體,因此,實有探討華人與伊斯 蘭的連結與關係之必要。最後,本文將從改宗者的自我認同、他人(其他非穆斯林 華人、印尼原住民)認定、文化實踐來探討客家穆斯林之改宗經驗與過程,尤其是 改宗者在改宗前後的認同變化提供另一個有別於西加里曼丹「華人中的華人」的概 念。如此概念的轉變不僅説明了印尼華人或客家人內涵的變化,更是可作為客家實 為具有內部差異性的異質群體之例證。更甚者,從客家人走向伊斯蘭的決定與歷程 可觀察到,「華人拜神佛、當地人信伊斯蘭教」的對立因而打破,以及華人對於當 地社會與族群環境的適應性。

In this study, the reasons Hakka people embraced Islam in Singkawang, West Kalimantan, Indonesia, and the experiences and of their conversion, were analyzed. To understand the social context of Singkawang, the history of West Kalimantan and the Chinese settlements in Singkawang is briefly introduced. Two events-the Cap Go Meh parade and the establishment of a dragon statue in the city center—are addressed to elucidate the interethnic relationships in Singkawang. The connection between Chinese Muslims and Islam was explored in this study to delineate how the converts perceived Islam. Finally, converts’ conversion experiences and processes were studied, with a focus on their self-identities, categorization by others, and cultural practices. Changes in identity among the Hakka converts offer an alternative conceptualization of “Chinese,” rather than merely “Chinese among the Chinese.” These changes exemplify the internal differences within the Hakka population.



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2020-07-07 客家學院

客家 • 中大 NCU • HAKKA