第十卷 第一期


1.臺灣客家運動的回顧與展望:以制度安排為中心/Review and Prospect of the Taiwan Hakka Movement: Center on institutional arrangements

關鍵字:客家運動、客家委員會、客家基本法/Keywords: Hakka movement, Hakka Affairs Council, Hakka Basic Act

邱榮舉(Rong-Jeo Chiu)、王保鍵(Pao-Chien Wang)、黃玫瑄(Mei-Hsuan Huang) 全文下載

2.從傳統記憶到當代創意:以五個客家產業個案來探討竹苗地區客家產業變遷/From Traditional memory to modern creativity: development of Hakka industries and transitions of Hakka culture

關鍵字:客家族群象徵性產業、文化再現、客家傳統記憶、當代創意/Keywords: Hakka ethnic and symbolic industries, cultural representation, Hakka tradition, contemporary creativity.

俞龍通(Long-Tong Yu) 全文下載

3.客語教學學校與第三部門的協力治理/Collaborated Governance in Hakka Teaching Schools and the Third Sector

關鍵字:理性選擇、協力治理、社會資本/Keywords: rational choice, collaborated governance, social capital

古永智(Yung-Chih Ku) 全文下載

4.龍潭區居民為何投入社區活動?/Why do Longtan District residents invest in community activities?

關鍵字:社區營造、賦權、由下而上、市民社會/Keywords: Community building, empowerment, Bottom-Up, Civil Society

簡樸崧(Pu-Sung Chien)、劉小蘭(Hsiao-Lan Liu) 全文下載


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2020-07-07 客家學院

客家 • 中大 NCU • HAKKA