1987 年開始的臺灣客家運動,迄今已有30 年,期間客家委員會、客家知識體系、客家電視頻道、客家基本法等機制,陸續建置。本文以文獻分析法,運用公共政策及族群關係相關理論,檢視臺灣客家運動30 多年來的發展,獲致:(1)1987 年發生的臺灣客家運動,當時並未轉換為政策產出;而於13 年後,因政策窗開啟,才有政策產出(設立行政院客家委員會)。(2)臺灣客家運動30 多年的發展,伴隨臺灣民主化與本土化發展,及東南亞等海外客家研究的回饋,促使融合「客家中原記憶」與「臺灣本土意識」之「臺灣客家記憶」漸趨主流。(3)當代客家運動,在政府的法律框架(客家基本法及國家語言發展法)下,由公部門(客家委員會)及非政府組織(客家社團、民間客家電台)所形成的「公私協力治理」機制,持續推動臺灣客家運動。
The Taiwan Hakka movement, launched in 1987, has been in existence for more than 30 years. During this period, the government established the Hakka Affairs Council, Hakka knowledge system, Hakka TV Channel, and Hakka Basic Act. The essay employs theories on public policy and ethnic relations as well as research methods of the literature review to discuss the development of Taiwan Hakka movement. The findings include: (1) After 13 years of occurring the Hakka movement, the Hakka Affairs Council is established when the policy window is opened. (2) The collective memory is shifted Taiwan Hakka memory from mainland China memory between 30 years. (3) The state’s legal framework and NGO (like Hakka association and private Hakka radio) establish the “public-private partnership”, which is continued promoted the Taiwan Hakka movement.