





【時間】2022/12/13(二) 10:00~12:00


【講者】奥地利格拉茨大學語言學研究所Ralf Vollmann 教授


Traditional multilingual situations of spoken languages is globally interrupted through the advent of standard languages which are taught at schools and widely used in media. This process (called 'language shift') makes it somewhat futile to try to "preserve" smaller languages (or "dialects"), except by giving them a similar status of a codified (standardized) language, which in turn leads to language change, and often cannot stop language shift either. It will be discussed why and how standard language have this strong unifying ability; on the other hand, linguistic situations can be more complex at times, leading to a multilingualism of standard languages, again at the expense of smaller, uncodified linguistic varieties. Examples will be mainly taken from European countries and from Malaysia as two quite different linguistic situations.

在學校與在媒體廣泛使用的標準語破壞了因為口說語言所呈現的傳統多語情況,這樣的情形可說是全球普通的現象。此一過程  (稱為 「語言轉換」) 讓 「保存」小眾語言 (或 「方言」)在某個程度上來說是徒勞無功的,除非給予小眾語言與標準語言類似的地位,如此可以導致語言變化,但常常也無法阻礙語言轉換。在演講中,我將討論標準語為何以及如何具有如此強烈一致化的能力,另一方面,語言學上的情況有時更加複雜,可能會導致標準語的多語主義,然後再次地犧牲較小語言且未經過標準化的語言。我將以歐洲國家與馬來西亞兩個截然不同的語言情況為例,說明上述內容。