1905 年《客英大辭典》初版與1926 年修訂版比較初探 


英國長老教會牧師MacIver 在廣東五經富編撰的An English-Chinese Dictionary in the Vernacular of the Hakka People in the Canton Province,於1905 年由上海長老教會出版社出版。先一年,MacIver 編撰出版了A Hakka Index to the Chinese-English Dictionary of Herbert A. Giles, LL. D. and to the Syllabic Dictionary of Chinese of S. Wells Williams, LL. D.。 Herbert A. Giles 中文名翟里斯,Samuel W. Williams 中文名衛三畏。 1910 年MacIver 牧師去世,1915 年左右,該教會商請MacKenzie 牧師加以修訂,在第二版的序言中,MacKenzie 說他認爲將第一版辭典編排方式改變會比較好。「本版的詞彙,片語,句子都以首字為準。所以,以『shen31』爲首的片語要查『shen31』字。這種編排(幾乎全世界的中文辭典都用這種方式)可以減少重複的詞彙和句子,而增加新的語彙。」修訂版書名是A Chinese-English Dictionary, Hakka-Dialect as Spoken in Kwang-tung Province(無中文書名,依英文應為《華—廣東客方言—英辭典》,1970 年後臺灣出版的影印版方加中文書名《客英大字典》或《客英大辭典》) Prepared by D. MacIver, Revised and Rearranged with Many Additional Terms and Phrases。
雖然MacKenzie 在序言中說他勉力讓修訂版保留MacIver 的版本,但若稍加比對,會發現MacKenzie 除了增加許多語彙外,卻也把第一版原序言有關客家語的介紹刪除,有些語彙加以改正,但有些語彙卻遭刪除。1926 年的修訂版,MacKenzie 以詞彙,片語及句子都以首字為準,的確可以減少重複的詞彙和句子,而第一版則以搭配詞為主,只要和詞目相關詞彙,片語,句子詞彙、片語、句子等都列在一起,對客語的使用者有莫大的幫助。

雖然MacKenzie 在序言中說他勉力讓修訂版保留MacIver 的版本,但若稍加比對,會發現MacKenzie 除了增加許多語彙外,卻也把第一版原序言有關客家語的介紹刪除,有些語彙加以改正,但有些語彙卻遭刪除。1926 年的修訂版,MacKenzie 以詞彙,片語及句子都以首字為準,的確可以減少重複的詞彙和句子,而第一版則以搭配詞為主,只要和詞目相關詞彙,片語,句子詞彙、片語、句子等都列在一起,對客語的使用者有莫大的幫助。


An English-Chinese Dictionary in the Vernacular of the Hakka People in the Canton Province was compiled in Wukingfu in then Canton Province by Donald MacIver, a priest of the Presbyterian of England, and was printed by the Presbyterian Mission Church Press, Shanghai in 1905. In the previous year, A Hakka Index to the Chinese-English Dictionary of Herbert A. Giles, LL. D. and to the Syllabic Dictionary of Chinese of S. Wells Williams, LL. D. complied by MacIver was published. MacIver passed away in 1910. At the request of the Foreign Missions Committee of the Presbyterian of England around 1915, M. C. MacKenzie, also a priest of the Presbyterian of England, started revising the dictionary. He rearranged the plan of the dictionary and thus in the new edition words, phrases and sentences are found under their leading “character” in order to reduce to a minimum words and phrases so as to have more space available for recent additions to the Hakka language. And this revised edition, A Chinese-English Dictionary, Hakka-Dialect as Spoken in Kwang-tung Province, Prepared by D. MacIver, Revised and Rearranged with Many Additional Terms and Phrases, was published in 1926.

Closely comparing both editions, we find that with the new arrangement of the revised edition there are many new words, phrases and sentences added. It also corrected some words, phrases, sentences and sometimes English explanations of the first edition. However, the new edition, for some unknown reasons, deleted the second part of the Introduction, the Hakka Languages, most of which briefly introduces the three major Hakka languages in Canton—Ka-yin-chu(K.), Fui-chu-fu(F.) and Chau-chu-fu(C.). Without this background information, readers of the dictionary will be in the dark whenever they encounter K. F. and C., which appear frequently in the dictionary. At the same time, the second edition removed a lot of useful words, phrases, and sentences of the 1905 edition.

With its leading “character” design, the new edition is able to reduce a lot of redundancy found in the 1905 edition where the header also appears in the middle or the end of words, phrases and sentences. On the other hand, as 1905 edition adopts to some extent the idea of collocation, words, phrases, and sentences that contain the header are often listed under it, and thus causing quite a few repetitions. Nevertheless, such kind of arrangement is sometimes very helpful for Hakka language learners.

This article first gives background information of both editions, and then points out the differences between the two editions in terms of their frameworks. It also closely examines some English definitions and example words, phrases and sentences of both editions for comparison purpose. Finally, as both editions collect a large data of the Hakka language, the article suggests that scholars of Hakka Studies worldwide thoroughly study each edition and eventually come up with another revised edition based on these two.



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客家 • 中大 NCU • HAKKA