

一般漢語方言在雙及物結構中,運用最為廣泛的兩種語法標記,一則為跟從或陪同義、二則為分配和給予義的動詞虛化而來,梅縣客家話的「同」及「分」可為代表。浙江畲話也有大致與之相對應的nung44和pun44,但局部用法如讓與用nung44、處所標記用pun44、動詞後給予標記零形式等方面,跟客語有異有同。而「得tih5」原為獲取義的動詞,在龍游、雲和出現跟nung44 競爭並用的情形。方向標記來自於看、望類的動詞。此外也探究所受當地吳語語言接觸的影響。

This article is a comparative study on the syntactic typology of Chinese dialects and their adjacent languages. We are going to analyze the data of She(San-hak), collected since 2001 in Zhejiang Province; the main focus is on the alternation of syntax, typology, morphology, and pragmatics. She(San-hak) and Hakka, used to be treated as one single language, are now recognized as two independent languages(or dialects). Thus there must be a lot of similarities between these two languages. What interests us most is what will be revealed in the double object structure. There are basically two aspects for our fieldwork. To begin with, we are going to refer to the related literature about the two dialects. Secondly, the material gained from other literature of this topic is also crucial as our guide to collect the relevant data. On the basis of our findings, the patterns of Ba-construction in Hakka are sourced from dative marker, then derived to source marker as well as patient marker, and finally enlarged to light verb, or preverbal object marker in a disposal construction. The most interesting fact is that the double object structures are involved with goal marker / agent marker, as contrast to source marker / patient marker derived from dative marker mentioned above. The double object verb becomes agent marker in a passive sentence to the end, since it has already taken the thematic role of an agent marker in the relative former stage. From the literature available to us, we realize that the whole scenario of Chinese double object structures is not complete with a linear analysis. Our analysis is meant to cast a new light on the nature of She(San-hak) double object structures within disposal and passive sentences.
Keywords: She(San-hak) , Hakka, double object, grammatical markers, language contact



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2020-07-07 客家學院

客家 • 中大 NCU • HAKKA