畲話的南北分片問題: 以閩中尤溪雙貴山為例的探討 


根據游文良(2002)的調查,現存畲話方言點集中在浙、閩二省,尤其是浙南及閩東,少數散佈至其他省分者,實際上也都鄰近浙、閩。浙南(含安徽寧國)及閩東不僅地理關係密切,韻母的一、二等-o:-a對比明顯,塞音韻尾弱化為的對比均為共通特色,可稱之為北片。而漳州的華安、長泰,梅州的豐順,潮州的潮安地理上彼此相近,韻母的一、二等皆以-a為主要元音並不對立,而塞音韻尾-p/-t/-k卻對立明顯,故歸納為南片。然而,閩東密集區跟閩南漳州有相當之距離,處在二地之間的中空地帶,諸如莆仙、南平、永安、尤溪、大田、永春、泉州、龍岩、乃至閩西客話區內,是否有零散的畲話方言點,過去未被揭露?況且中空地帶內的方言點,語言特徵上究竟屬於北片或南片?抑或有若干超越南、北片的語言現象?這些都有待實地詳細調查之後,才能得知。在前述田野調查範圍內,我們雖然覓得一些藍、雷、鍾姓畲族後裔,使用語言卻非畲話。我們僅在尤溪找到真正屬於畲話的方言點—雙貴山;各地畲話一致性相當高的特徵詞,在此大多都能符合。各地畲話有一些構詞上的共通之處,例如名詞常見性別後綴,而陰性詞綴用「」。聲調上,三身人稱皆讀陰平。聲韻搭配上,舌尖聲母三四等字常沒有細介音,如「」,其他聲母搭配三四等字則有細介音,如「」。詞義劃分上,買、賣不分都說「」、蚊、蠅不分都說「 」、侄、孫不分都說「 」。雙貴山都具備這些特點,無疑屬於一種畲話方言。由於該地畲族居民是從閩西北的贛語區建寧縣遷來,因此少數字還有清從母透定母曉匣母h-的鏈動音變。另一特點是尤溪本地漢語方言(湯川話、中仙話)、以及羅源、霞浦、古田、周寧等閩東話、福安甘棠、霞浦、寧德畲話都有齒間清擦音,莆仙話、及福安阪中、羅源畲話有(心生書母),其他各地畲話則否。在這些鄰近地區的、有標讀法包圍下,雙貴山卻只讀無標的s-。語法上,給予標記常常以零形式出現,如「拿(給)他 」,浙南畲話亦然。詞彙上,「衣服」不說各地畲話普遍的「」,而說「」,同於尤溪本地漢語。「乾淨」說「澈潔」為閩東語詞。「事情」說 為閩南語詞。筆者整理各地聲母、韻母、聲調、詞法、詞彙差異共18項特點,提出畲話內部應該據此分為南、北二片,雙貴山符合北片者有10項、符合南片者有3項、南、北兼具者有4項、南、北均不符者1項,所以總的來說,位處前人研究空白地帶的閩中尤溪畲話,其語言特徵仍較為接近北片的閩東畲話,而非南片的閩南畲話。

This article is a preliminary investigation on the nature of the She(San-hak))dialect spoken at Shuangguishan Village, Youxi County, Fujian Province. We analyze the data of Shuangguishan, collected by the author in the year of 2011, and also compare to those in Jiangxi, Anhui, Zhejiang, Guangdong, and Fujian Provinces cited from You (2002) as well as Wu (2004). The main focus is on the alternation of geographical variants among She in aspects of phonetics, phonology, morphology, and syntax.

She(San-hak) used to be treated as one single unit, are now in this paper recognized as two main dialects, namely northern(Zhejiang and Eastern Fujian))and southern (Guangdong and Southern Fujian). Thus there must be a lot of differences between these two vernaculars. What interests us is the phenomenon being revealed at Shuangguishan, since seldom She tribes are dispersed in Central Fujian. Typologically, Shuangguishan belongs to the northern rather than the southern kind.

On the basis of our findings in fieldwork, Shuangguishan owns the unmarked onset s- instead of inter-dental fricatives which are often found in adjacent areas. The on-glide disappears under the circumstance following dental-alveolar consonants, against the proposal of Yu (2010). Parts of Checked(Ru) tones are combined into Level(Ping) tones. The terms ‘mosquito’ and ‘fly’, as well as ‘buy’ and ‘sell’ are homographs. Beneficial markers are usually deleted as zero form.

The most interesting fact is that all the northern vernaculars have high front rounded vowels and glides, while southern accents don’t. The push chain can be seen among a few characters at Shuangguishan as a residue from Gan dialects of Jianning, which is their ancestral site.

Our analysis is meant to cast a new light on the nature of She language, and the framework adopted here is developed by Wu (2004: 148-150). Further studies will conduct in Shaxian and Zhangping Counties nearby Youxi.



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2020-07-07 客家學院

客家 • 中大 NCU • HAKKA