

臺灣環島海域由於遭受嚴重污染的衝擊,海洋生態早已面臨巨大 的浩劫,而海洋是個不斷流動的水體,污染隨著流動而擴散,現今臺灣海岸的污染除了來自內境陸地,另外也有來自海洋漂流的廢棄物, 再加上近年來全球氣候變異現象加劇,這些跨域污染物對臺灣海域的 環境生態與居民生活都造成威脅。而在傳統生活中便傳達著敬愛天地、注重環境風水的客家族群,面對環境困境也總是表現出堅強韌性,這樣的族群特質是否有助於環境變化下的適應?本研究起因於 2012 年 3 月底在桃園縣沿海發現數百包除草劑的生態浩劫事件後,已有海漂實驗推估證實此汙染可能為跨海峽漂流路徑所帶來的。本研究則是進一步以深度訪談進行環境識覺分析與評估,藉此瞭解觀音鄉沿 海客家居民,對跨域污染風險與海岸永續障礙是否有所警覺而有所作為。並使用驅動力─壓力─狀態─衝擊─回應(Driver–Pressure–State–Impact–Response,DPSIR)因果分析架構, 強調在地方永續發展的脈絡下,傳達大眾維護海岸環境的重要性,且 須提高應對氣候變遷的適應能力,而政府對於類似的海洋漂流物應該 加強觀測與防範,及早對居民提出預警,降低跨域污染對沿海環境的 衝擊。研究發現地方居民面對環境困境也總是表現出堅強韌性,這樣的族群特質實有助於因應環境與氣候變遷衝擊。該海岸環境衝擊事件 涉及人類對於環境的感知,從而影響對於環境問題的看法與態度。當民眾意識覺醒,即會有強烈的意願讓其生活型態更貼近永續發展理念。

The ocean is closely related to human development. However, constant exploitations of the ocean render numerous present challenges, such as drifting pollution and deteriorating coastal habitats. Combined with the recent aggravation of global climate change, the cross-regional pollutants threaten coastal ecosystems and living environment. Previous experiments have estimated and verified the possibility of cross flows in the Taiwan Strait in winter. This study aimed to explore the environmental perception of coastal Hakka residents in Guanyin Township of Taiwan on the pollution risks of cross-regional driftage. It is of concern that the Hakka people have respected and loved heaven and earth, displaying great toughness and resilience when addressing environmental difficulties. We argued that these ethnic values can be applied to adapt to environmental change. The study further analyzed and evaluated the environmental perception of the Hakka residents of Guanyin Township through in-depth interviews to determine whether they have been aware of and responded to the cross-regional pollution risk in terms of sustainability. The Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) causal framework was applied to highlight the importance of public ocean environmental preservation in adapting to climate change. The study concluded that the Taiwan government should increasingly observe such drifting ocean waste and protect the public by providing early warnings and reducing the influence of cross-regional pollution.



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2020-07-07 客家學院

客家 • 中大 NCU • HAKKA