

在人口快速老化以及勞動力不足的雙重挑戰下,歐盟會員國致 力於社會政策的制訂,一方面鼓勵婦女參與家戶外勞動,一方面擬 定性別平權政策以提高生育率。分析 2008 年歐洲社會價值觀調查資 料顯示,性別平權意識較高的社會往往也是較能擺脫傳統母職角色 的社會、較能接受未婚同居行為的社會、有較高婚姻外生育率的社 會、以及總生育率較高的社會。而這些社會也同時是國民平均所得 較高、婦女就業率較高的社會。台灣的超低生育率反映出性別平權 意識的失衡(有如彼得麥克唐納在 2000 年所做的論述),多數婦女 在公領域的受教權與工作權上得到公平對待,但在私領域的家庭責任與性別角色期待上則仍有明顯的性別差異。分析 2012 年台灣社會 變遷資料顯示,客家與閩南兩個族群的生育率並沒有明顯的不同。 在性別平權意識方面,兩個族群差異不大,但閩南男性比客家男性 更為保守,客家女性則比閩南女性一方面更重視家庭對女人的重要 性,一方面更重視女人對家庭的經濟貢獻。客家女性在母職角色的 期待上,特別有就業與照顧稚齡子女的兩難困境。在婚育行為上, 無論族群,未婚同居的接受度高於未婚生子。而在育養子女的價值 態度上,客家與閩南族群的差異不大。但客家女性尤其肯定有小孩 會提升社會地位的說法。

Promoting female labor force participation and pushing for gender equality to increase fertility rates are the two main strategies EU member states have used to maintain labor supply and economic growth in an era of a rapidly aging population. Analyzing the 2008 European Values Study reveals that level of gender equality was positively associated with non-traditional motherhood expectations, tolerance of unmarried cohabitation and births outside marriage, GNP per capita, the female labor force participation rate, and total fertility rate. The very low fertility rate seen in Taiwan can be explained in terms of incoherency between the levels of gender equality operative in different social institutions, as Peter McDonald suggested in 2000. Drawing data from the 2012 Taiwan Social Change Survey, no significant differences were found between average number of births between Hakka and Hoklo women. On average, Hakka and Hoklo maintain similar gender-role expectations, however, Hoklo males are more conservative than their counterparts. Concurrently, Hakka females have more traditional expectations of motherhood, and were more eager to work to contribute family income. Unmarried cohabitation and births outside marriage were not well received by either group. Both Hakka and Hoklo people agreed that raising children is a significant life achievement, and Hakka females especially believed that one’s social status could be increased by having children.



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2020-07-07 客家學院

客家 • 中大 NCU • HAKKA