

本研究探討苗栗縣梨作的栽培起源與技術啟蒙,客家文化特質與 梨作技術發展的關係,以及梨作的文化鑲嵌與經濟轉化。藉由文獻蒐 集比對分析以及梨農的訪談,試圖描繪苗栗地區梨作栽培脈絡。本研 究結果簡述如下:

一、梨是承續茶葉、香茅、香蕉等作物,成為臺三線上重要經濟 作物,新的作物栽培型態與技術應運而生。

二、梨作技術源自客家族群在坡地耕作,善於觀察自然界的意外 現象,分析歸納並模式化種植生成變化的因果關係,勇於嘗 試新的栽培技術,樂於交流分享經驗,形成專精的梨作栽培 技術,作物創新擴散與客家文化交融結合,形成「文化鑲嵌」的特殊栽培技術。

三、梨產業的專業知識技術來源與勞動力來源,由整體觀察推估,乃關係性鑲嵌比結構性鑲嵌明顯;梨產業投資經營的風險承擔與創化取新,不同於客家族群經濟重視穩定、個性保守的 傳統印象。

四、梨作勞動圖象呈現以技術為主導的創新擴散,技術密集勝於 勞力密集,有別於辛勤從事體力耗費的客家生產勞動意象,呈 現偏重於勞心巧藝而非勞力苦役的勞動圖像。

The object of this study is the pear industry in Miaoli County. The theme of this study is the influence of technological innovation on the expansion and distribution of pear growing. This study attempted to describe the scene of pear growing in Miaoli area. The results of this study are concluded as below:

Pear has become an important economic crop along Taiwan Provincial The 3rd Taiwan Provincial Road after tea, lemongrass and banana. The pear growing technology results from Hakka’s slope farming pattern, also because that they are good at observing the natural phenomena accidentally happened, try adventurously new growing technology, willing to share and exchange experience. From overall observation, it is surmised that relational embeddedness is more obvious than structural embeddedness; Observing from the aspect of risks taken by pear industry, it is different from people’s common stereotype that Hakka ethnicity emphasizes on stability and conservatives. Pear growing shows that it is a technology-oriented industry, it is more tech-intensive than labor-intensive, which needs more work with one’s minds than with labor.



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2020-07-07 客家學院

客家 • 中大 NCU • HAKKA