

北埔和峨眉鄉位於中港溪支流的峨眉溪流域,開發時間相當,由於地理相鄰, 從樟腦開採、水旱田稻作、到茶葉種植和製作產銷,呈現類似的產業經濟發展軌跡。 然而隨著茶葉產銷市場和制度條件的變遷,戰後峨眉鄉茶葉產量超過北埔鄉的趨勢 逐漸定型,尤其頂級烏龍茶「東方美人茶」的製作產量,遠超越北埔的「膨風茶」, 至於北埔則以老街為中心發展出文化觀光的產業特色。本文透過北埔和峨眉兩地產 業經濟發展的歷史比較,對照出兩地茶產體制因著貿易市場圈範圍和層級的變遷、 以及國家政策的推動或法令的限制,所構成分工關係的變化,超越單一作物生產商 品鏈的分析視野,從雙種作物的互補關係,指出峨眉地區的柑橘產業,補充技術熟 練茶工在茶產季節之外的工作機會和收入,從而得以供應「東方美人茶」生產關鍵 的勞動力與維持薪資水準,構成峨眉地區當前的產業特色,並透過北埔的地方文化 觀光經濟,作為「東方美人茶」重要的銷售管道。

Beipu and Emei township both locate in Hsinchu county and are known as traditional Hakka region. These two areas share a similar geographical location and the path of economic development, from camphor tree hewing, to paddy planting, and to tea plantation and production. Both townships also produced high quality of Oolong tea, so called “Peifun tea”(iuflated tea), while Beipu was the center of tea production. It is until 1980s, the Emei’s tea production has exceeded Beipu in quantity, and Beipu township becomes a popular cultural attraction. This paper employs a method of historical comparative analysis to trace the formation of tea production regime of these two areas. We examine critical policy from state level and also tea labor supply and wages rate in local level in order to answer the questions of differentiation and integration of tea production regime. We find that it should go beyond just focusing on the tea plantation and production itself, but the strategy of applying double crops to deal with the labor shortage and wage issue in tea production.



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2020-07-07 客家學院

客家 • 中大 NCU • HAKKA