觀光產業與地方性形構: 以橫山鄉內灣地區為例 


本研究以在新竹縣觀光地圖上知名的內灣聚落為例,從該村落 自九○年代中期以來的發展歷史,探討不同時期進入的社會行動者, 如何挾帶對於觀光的不同論述以及對於客家文化的不同解讀,匯集 於內灣這個地域空間之中,從而形塑了內灣當前的觀光地景。作者 的主要論證是,文化、地理、及經濟的「邊緣性」一直被認為是內 灣的地方特徵,也是它吸引觀光客的主要原因。但是,邊緣性要轉 化為可利用的觀光資源,並且能被都會訪客認知為可觀光之景點, 需要中介者在地景建設及再現層面上的「翻譯」與引介。「中介」一 詞引自 Chambers(2000),他指出,觀光是經過中介的經驗(mediated experience),而這個中介的過程,也是新的文化生產的機制。自九○年代中期以來,各種中介者藉由規劃、建設、書寫、及影像,持續 地模塑與更新內灣的觀光經驗。他們的實踐,創造了新的地方性, 也是我們探討客家文化當代面貌時不可忽視的構成要素。

This paper examines the historical process of tourism development of Neiwan, considered one of the most popular tourist destination in Hsinchu County. Applying the conceptual framework of Chambers (2000), it analyzes the social actors that enter Neiwan in different time periods with their diverse visions about tourism and Hakka culture. The author argues that mediators have played a crucial role in cultivating Naiwan’s tourism landscape since the mid-1990s. As pointed out by Chambers (2000: 30), tourism is a “mediated experience;” the interpretation and guidance provided by mediators are influential in shaping tourist perception about a place. The main attraction of Neiwan resides in its marginality in culture, geography, and economy. Nonetheless, its visibility in tourist industry should be attributed to the collaborative efforts of mediators who transform the village’s natural and cultural heritage into tourism landscape over the past decade. Through regional planning, infrastructure construction, and media promotion, these mediators have produced a new sense of place of Neiwan, as well as created a representative image of the contemporary Hakka village.



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2020-07-07 客家學院

客家 • 中大 NCU • HAKKA