

本文探討印度加爾各答的客家人移民歷史與身份變遷,是一個 從移民過程到形成少數族群的發展過程。根據相關的文獻資料與田 野調查,呈現客家人移民印度加爾各答的遷移、定居到再度遷移的 現象,其中包括從移工、政治難民到國際移民的過程,以及作為被 印度社會隔離與被種族化的「他者」之隱形的族群,到積極呈現為 多元社會的文化少數族群的轉變,說明客家人從過客到定居而成為 印度社會少數族群的歷史過程與機制。

This paper analyzes Hakka Diaspora in Calcutta, India by focusing on the migratory process and the formation of ethnic minority. The formation of Tangra Chinese has its historical path from immigrant workers, refugees and international immigrants, and should be studied in different Indian institutional context, such as imperial colony, nation-state building, caste society, and market economy. The diaspora Hakka in Calcutta provides the complex history of global migrations of populations, the stigmatization and oppression of minorities by modern states, and the representation of an ethnic minority as an integral part of contemporary multicultural society.



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2020-07-07 客家學院

客家 • 中大 NCU • HAKKA