客家曉匣合口變唇齒音(hu-fv)的推斷/Depth Interpretation of the Hakka[hu→fv] 




Whenever pronouncing〔hu〕,Hakka’s colloquial language will naturally read it as 〔f〕,for instance, hua→fa in the Mandarin, or hui→fi(輝)in the Min Dialect. This phenomenon, in the academic seminar, is treated as one of the Hakka’s language and called as a fricative(f-)(曉匣合口唸成唇齒擦音). Predecessors’s researches mostly concentrated on the discussion of the medial u-→v-, and the phoneme issue of 〔v〕, but no one clearly explained that Hakka’s fricative variation is hu→hv→f-. Starting from this issue, this article is to numerate and illustrate that the Hakka has an integral varying phoneme of 〔v〕to act as the main vowel or medial vowel(韻頭), so when the guttural fricative「h-」combines with the vowel〔v-〕,it naturally becomes 〔f-〕. Of course, the core issue is how could the Hakka have the vowel 〔-v〕and the medial vowel 〔v-〕.Comparing with the races of Miau(苗), Yiau(瑤), Tong(侗), Zhang(壯),Mian(緬), and Yi(彝), this article finds, the Hakka is as same as Yi(彝), Hani(哈尼), Naxi(納西), Ser(畬), Jingpo(景頗), and Lahu(拉祜)languages, belonging to the language family of Tibet and Burma; most of them have the rich vowel〔-v〕.Therefore, we proposed, when the Hakka maintains such a particular pronouncing phenomenon, is there any ancestral relationship, to a certain extent, with the language family of Tibet, Burma, and Yi?



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2020-07-07 客家學院

客家 • 中大 NCU • HAKKA