


Under the limitation of historical, economic and political structures in Southeast Asia, Hakka identity or Hakka consciousness is invisibility or double invisibility. However, in the current researches, scholars also discover that there are preservation of Hakka identity or consciousness in Hakka organizations of Southeast Aisa, Although they seldom promote those essential elements of identity such as Hakka language. Therefore, We can see that the Hakkaness in Southeast Asia is not represented through socio-cultural construction, but an expression of primordial emotion. Hakka identity in Southeast Asia, at most, exists only within the Chinese community, which, in many circumstances can be ignored. However, the studies based on Hakka social organizations, will unavoidably reflect urban -bias, and also biases of urban-rural and generational differences. In this article, through the interviews with young Hakka students in the University of Malaya, we will discuss their Hakka identity and consciousness, ans also understand the Hakka within Malaysian context, how they define themselves? ans we will also investigate the differences of the Hakkaness of the Hakka youths with different educational backgrounds?



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2020-07-07 客家學院

客家 • 中大 NCU • HAKKA