客家方言乃粵北第一大方言,然而就研究的質量而言,完全 不及閩、粵、贛三省交界所謂客家大本營地區。一般研究數量既 少,而方言分區問題之討論更屬鳳毛麟角。本文重新檢視前人研 究成果,對照現有語料,並進行分析研究,初步認為:前人研究 與現況有不符之處,有必要加以說明;在語料尚未齊備之前,進行分區有其困難。因此針對幾個重要語音特徵,配合移民歷史, 提出可將方言點分別列為閩西上杭型、梅縣型、五華型等的意見。
The most common dialect in northern Guangdong is the Hakka dialect, which is very close to an intersection between Min (Fujian), Yue (Guangdong), and Gan (Jiangxi), and it is the biggest Hakka dialect area, yet research studies are comparatively rare. Though research is sparse concerning northern Guangdong, discussions on the problem with dialect classification are even more uncommon. This article views predecessors’ efforts on this research topic again, as compared with the data in existence, and carry on with further analysis. Some findings are as follows: It is necessary to explain the contradiction between research by predecessors and the current paper. Carrying on with the classification is very difficult before the data are available. Therefore, we aim at several important characteristics of pronunciation and match up with the history of emigrants, putting forth some opinions on points of dialects respectively and list as types in Min Xi Shang Hang, Mei Xian, and Wu Hua.