

枋寮義民信仰創造了一個包含神位、祿位與調位的階序體系, 這一體系以義民神位為核心,將捐施與經理廟產有功者的祿位與祭 典區內所有信徒的調位,收納為一。體系的原動力是竹塹城外居民 無主的恐慌,而決定階序高低的因素是廟產的捐施與管理。無主的 恐慌包含兩種形式,其一為對別人死後無主而生的恐慌,一為對自 己無主死後所致之恐慌,而這兩種恐慌在義民廟信仰裡,同時匯注 於那場最初的恐慌,亦即對於林爽文役殉難者的恐慌。排解無主恐 慌的辦法唯有使亡者有主,亦即將抽象的亡魂具象化為神主牌,有 了神主牌之後,才能夠接受祭儀,安享蒸禋。為了安奉這方神主牌, 勢必捐施土地產業以營造一處神聖空間;其次再分割神聖空間為高 下階序,讓捐施者的祿位牌也得以安置。於是殉難者不再無主,捐施者也因此而有主。猶有進者,神聖空間的形式不僅包含廟宇內的神 位與祿位,祭典組織裡的調單也逐漸被視為一種神聖空間形式。紅 色醒目、大量印刷的調單被張貼在廟宇及家戶的牆壁上,紙上所有 捐施者的名銜(調位)也彷彿成了具體而微的祿位。簡言之,枋寮 義民信仰之奧秘在於,藉由神聖空間的創造及分割,同時賦予其階 序,讓眾人透過捐施而有主。

The Yiming cult of Fangliao in Taiwan creates a hierarchy which includes three levels of name niches: god tablet, emolument tablet and donating list. The god tablet enshrining Yiming is the core of the hierarchy. The emolument tablets worshiping all the people who donated or well managed the property of the temple, and the yearly donating list announcing the names of the donators were merged into the god tablet. The motive power forming the hierarchy is the fear of non-tablet and the principle to decide the order in the hierarchy is the donation and management of the temple property. If one dies without his name being written on the tablet and worshipped by the survivals, then he would be a terrible ghost. This kind of psychological tension is called the fear of non-tablet. One is afraid of being harmed by a ghost, and also afraid of himself becoming a ghost to harm the others. So, in order to dispel the fear, the dead need to have their tablets. By being concretized to a name on the tablet, the helpless phantom can receive incense in the dark nether world. To arrange the tablet, people need to donate land, money and the like to construct sacred space. Then, they divide the sacred space into hierarchic pieces so that the donators will have their tablets consecrated in the sacred spaces while they are still alive. As a result, the dead and the living donators are named side by side on the tablets. The form of the sacred spaces not only includes the tablets in the temple, but also the yearly declaration of donating list.

These red shining lists, with the names of the donators who share theexpenses of yearly religious rites on them, are posted on the walls of the temple and the households. To sum up, with the creation and divides of the sacred hierarchic space, all the Yiming believers get their niches in the supernatural. It is exactly the secret of Fangliao Yiming cult that has been organizing hundred thousands of the households.



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2020-07-07 客家學院

客家 • 中大 NCU • HAKKA