

一個文化的存續,除了現行文化的推廣與舊有文資的重建 外,年輕人能否擺入文化傳承的關鍵位置也是十分的重要,客家 文化的延續與保存當然也不例外。同時,政府在整個文化復振的 過程所扮演的角色與提供給客家青年政策上的協助就是一個舉足 輕重的關鍵。因此藉由本文的資料整理與深入的質性訪談,期盼 能從中瞭解:現行的客家青年政策之內涵、透過整理現行客家青 年政策的內容,進一步分析現行客家青年政策的不足之處、以及 客家青年實際上對於政策的需求,藉由這樣的過程,找出客家青年在政策上的方向,除了希望自己能為客家文化的復振盡一份力 量外,也可以將相關的內容提供給執政當局做為施政上的參考。

In addition to the promotion of the current culture and the reconstruction of the old literary capital, it is also very important for young people to put themselves in the key position of cultural inheritance. The continuation and preservation of Hakka culture is no exception. At the same time, the role of the government in the process of cultural revitalization and the assistance provided to the Hakka youth policy is a key issue. Therefore, through the data collation and in-depth qualitative interviews, I hope to learn from it: the current Hakka youth policy, through the content of the current Hakka youth policy, further analyze the shortcomings of the current Hakka youth policy, and Hakka In fact, young people’s demand for policy, through this process, finds out the direction of Hakka youth in policy. In addition to hoping that they can contribute to the revitalization of Hakka culture, they can also provide relevant content to the ruling authorities. As a reference for governance.



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2020-07-07 客家學院

客家 • 中大 NCU • HAKKA