

過去對客家族群性格的描述多從個人觀察、地方史料或文獻 整理而加以論述,很少以客觀、科學的方式探討。本研究以兩個 量化調查研究分別探討:1)客家民眾是否認同某些特質為客家人 的性格特徵;2)客家族群是否在某些性格特質有別於非客家族 群。研究一的資料來自105 年客委會所進行的「全國客家人口暨 語言基礎調查研究」,共有1313 名18 歲以上符合客家基本法定義 的客家民眾,進行客家族群性格特質認同的調查,並檢視個人背 景變項是否影響客家族群性格認同的程度。研究二資料則取自交 通大學所補助的「客家與生物」計畫,共有648 人參與(客家人,N=494;非客家人,N=154)。性格測量工具採用華人性格量表, 並檢視兩種不同族群在19 個性格向度的差異。 研究一結果顯示, 客家民眾基本上認同「勤儉」、「硬頸精神」、「保守」、「認命」、「團 結」、「開拓性」、「領導性格」能代表客家人的特質。不過,這些 特質的認同程度卻因性別、年齡、教育程度、父母是否為客家人、 以及所居住的區域是否為客家人口集中地和行政區域而有所差 異。研究二結果顯示,客家樣本比起非客家樣本更老實、更有人 情味以及更傳統,也更理智、更節儉、更有責任感、更有紀律以 及更少情緒失控。

Hakka’s personality characteristics are generally delineated in historical and folk documents and are rarely investigated by objective measures. By drawing two sets of data from the National Hakka population and language foundation survey conducted in 2016 and from the Hakka and Biology project supported by National Chiao Tung University and conducted in 2015, this study investigates two main questions: 1) the extent of personality traits (e.g., diligence, conservativeness, unity, acceptance of fate, hard-neck spirit, leadership, and enterprise) to which Hakka people consider to represent their personality characteristics, and whether this identification varies by personal demographic backgrounds; 2) whether there are differences of personality traits between Hakka people and non-Hakka people in 19 dimensions of Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory (Cheung et al. 2004, 2008). Participants in study 1 were 313 Hakka people over 18 years old, and participants in study 2 were 494 Hakka people and 154 non-Hakka people (Total N = 648). The results indicate that Hakka people identify diligence, conservativeness, unity, acceptance of fate, hard-neck spirit, leadership, and enterprise as their personality characteristics, and the degree of the identification varies by gender, education, geography, and Hakka identification status, and living in Hakka’s community. Moreover, compared to non-Hakka people, Hakka people are more voracious, relationship-oriented, conservative, responsible, disciplined, logical, thrift, and less emotional.



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2020-07-07 客家學院

客家 • 中大 NCU • HAKKA