

為了掌握客家族群的人口基本特性與地區分布,我國自2004 年起定期進行全國客家人口基礎資料調查。本文說明了2016 年合 併了客家人口及語言使用的調查結果,並依此進行全國各縣市客 家人口的推估。調查結果顯示,符合《客家基本法》定義的客家 族群約占全國人口的19.3%,較2014 年的推估結果要高。雖然整 體客家人口穩定發展,不同鄉鎮市區仍存在自然流失與社會流動 的現象。當分別以戶籍人口與常住人口為依據來進行客家人口推 估時,縣市層級與鄉鎮市區層級的人口數量有明顯差異;所推估 之客家族群占全國人口總數的比例亦有所不同。本次調查共確認 了位居於11 個縣市的70 個客家文化重點發展區,進一步分析其 人口分布時,則可看出不同推估方法可得到一致趨勢。由於調查 結果除了提供客家人口的變動趨勢外,更具有政策意涵。為使相 關資源獲得合理分配與運用,建議後續的人口推估宜依據需求採 用不同的人口推估策略;對於客家文化重點發展區之語言及文化 的傳承,則可考量由教育層面著手。 關

The Hakka Affairs Council has been conducting surveys on the Hakka population and the use of Hakka language since 2004. These surveys regularly gather information on the distribution of the Hakka population and the use of the Hakka language. The results are used to estimate the Hakka population and to identify key development areas of Hakka culture (hereafter key Hakka areas). Data of the 2016 National Hakka Population and Language Survey (NHPLS) are aggregated to obtain estimates of the Hakka population for townships and boroughs. Based on the National Household Registry, it is found that 19.3% of the national population conform to the definition of Hakka in the Hakka Basic Law, which is higher than the estimate in 2014. A total of 70 townships and boroughs in 11 counties are identified as the key Hakka areas. The estimate of the Hakka population is slightly lower when using the de jure population, the information of which was obtained from the NHPLS. The inconsistency becomes larger between the two estimates at the county and township or borough levels. Regardless of the inconsistency, however, the demographic characteristics of the key Hakka areas show similar patterns. Results of NHPLS have implications for Hakka policies. Local government may take approaches that contribute to spreading Hakka language and culture through educational programs. Long-term health care for the Hakka elderly should also be considered in key Hakka areas.



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2020-07-07 客家學院

客家 • 中大 NCU • HAKKA