客家親屬、宗族與宗親組織的形成:以Anne Christine Trémon 法屬玻里尼西亞研究為中心的討論 


本文主要從Anne-Christine Trémon 對法屬玻里尼西亞華人遷 移歷程的研究,梳理客家親屬、宗族與宗親組織的形成等面向的 脈絡,進行研究議題的回顧、探討與分析。華人移居法屬玻里尼 西亞後,循父系家族與宗族結盟的方式,團結家族成員以集體的 模式發展,促進在法屬玻里尼西亞經濟擴張期的參與。在地華人 社群的形成與運作,跟血緣親屬(家族、宗族)、同姓不同宗的宗 親(宗親會)相互交疊形成的社會關係與網絡息息相關。他們以 宗族、家族與宗親會團體結盟的方式運作,在文化上持續維繫祖 先祭拜,在社會經濟的參與則形成客家家族經濟模式,這些都有別於在地其他族群團體,因而,祖先祭拜與宗族╱宗親可被視為 是玻里尼西亞華人的族群邊界。然而此一現象又受快速的全球 化、世界主義影響,在維繫與運作上面臨未來發展困境。 關鍵字:宗族、宗親會、家族型態、掛山、親屬

Based on Anne-Christine Trémon’s research on the migration history of ethnic Chinese people to French Polynesia, this study discussed the contexts in which Hakka relatives, clans, and kinship associations were formed through research topic review, discussion, and analysis. After ethnic Chinese people immigrated to French Polynesia, they united family members as a community based on patrilineality through allying with clans for collective development and participation in the economic growth of French Polynesia. The formation and operation of the local ethnic Chinese community are closely related to the overlapping social relationship and networks formed upon blood relatives (families and clans) and relatives of the same surname and different kinships (kinship associations). Operatingbased on alliances between clans, families, and kinship associations, the local ethnic Chinese community retains its ancestor worshipping culture and follows the economic behavior of Hakka families in its socioeconomic participation. These features render the ethnic Chinese community distinct from other local ethnic groups. Ancestor worshipping, clans, and kinships are regarded the ethnic boundary of the ethnic Chinese population in Polynesia. However, subject to rapid globalization and growth of cosmopolitanism, the ethnic Chinese population in Polynesia will face difficulties in the community development, maintenance, and operation.
Keyword: lineage, clan, family structure, kasan, kinship



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2020-07-07 客家學院

客家 • 中大 NCU • HAKKA