

多數漢語方言與客家方言在韻母並不是四呼俱全的,通常僅 保有開口呼、齊齒呼、合口呼,往往不見撮口呼的影子,因為多 數都讀為齊齒呼。張光宇(2004)談及漢語語音史上-y-介音的產 生最晚,通常是-i-介音受圓唇元音的影響下所產生的圓唇化結 果,有時候是-u-介音在前元音的影響下所前化的結果。

龍虎客家話韻母為四呼俱全,具有-y 元音為韻母的一大特 色。其多數分布於合口三等韻攝之中,部分三等開口字也有著相 同的現象,因受到-o 元音的複化現象(diphthongization),使得龍 虎客家話的-o 元音朝向*-o→u的發展,接而牽動著果攝、咸山攝 開口一等見系入聲字、宕攝開口一等入聲字、江攝開口二等知系、 見系入聲字都有此現象產生,為語音系統的平行演變。接著透過-o 元音所產生的複化現象也是造成「開口字合口化」運動的主要趨 勢。

龍虎客家人的原鄉為福建上杭縣,本文藉此觀察出龍虎客家 話的-y 韻母是否為原鄉的保留,亦或是在遷徙過程當中受到其他 方言的接觸影響。廣西為擁有豐富語言資源的寶地,其當地人口 所使用的方言複雜,除了西南官話、白話、平話、客家話,此外 還分佈著壯語、瑤語、苗語、侗語等少數民族語言。本文採用文 獻分析法,檢閱相關漢語方言志及調查報告等工具書,透過共時 的比較,「橫」看龍虎客家話與鄰近地區方言之撮口呼的生成與 否,進而探討龍虎客家話撮口呼的讀音類型及分布韻攝,揭示出 廣西桂北片客家話的新面貌。

Most Chinese dialects and Hakka dialects are not complete in vowels and lack pursed-mouths(撮口呼). Normally, they only keep opened syllable(開口呼), even tooths(齊齒呼)and closed syllable (合口呼). Kuang-Yu Chang(2004)mention about the history Chinese phonology and believed that -y- medial sound appears at the latest. The reason is influenced by labialization of -i- medial sound and front vowel of -u- medial sound.

Longhu(龍虎)Hakka dialect are complete in vowels, and it has a major feature of -y medial sound. Most of them are distributed in the division III rhyme group in closed syllable, and some opened syllable in division III rhyme group also have the same phenomenon. Due to the diphthongization of the -o vowel, the -o vowel of the Longhu(龍虎)Hakka dialect is developing towards *-o→-u. Then it affected Guo She(果攝), opened syllable of division I rhyme Jian(見) groups of checked tone(入聲)in Xian-Shan She(咸山攝), opened syllable of division I rhyme of checked tone(入聲)in Dang She(宕攝), opened syllable of division II rhyme Zhi(知)and Jian(見)groups in Jiang She(江攝)of the checked tone(入聲). This is a parallel evolution of the speech system. Then the diphthongization generated by the -o vowel is also the main trend that caused the "open mouth to closed mouth syllable phenomenon" movement.

The hometown of the Longhu(龍虎)Hakka is Shanghang(上 杭)County, Fujian(福建). Because of this, this article observes whether the -y vowel of Longhu(龍虎)Hakka is from the hometown, or is affected by the contact of other dialects during the migration process. Guangxi(廣西) is a place with rich language resources, and the dialects used by the local population are complex. In addition to Southwest Mandarin(西南官話), Vernacula(r 白話), Pinghua dialects (平話), and Hakka, there are also minority languages such as Zhuang(壯語), Yao(瑤語), Miao(苗語), and Dong(侗語) in Guangxi(廣西). This article reviews the relevant Chinese dialects, survey reports and other reference books through document analysis. By comparing the timeline in the Longhu(龍虎)Hakka dialect and the neighboring areas, discuss the formation Pronunciation type and Rhyme group distributed of Pursed-mouths(撮口呼)in Longhu(龍 虎)Hakka dialect to show the new style of Hakka dialect in northern Guilin(桂北), Guangxi(廣西).



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2020-07-07 客家學院

客家 • 中大 NCU • HAKKA