

本文探討台灣客家話零聲母的語音與音韻現象。語音方面, 直接以Praat 製作語音聲學,從聲波,聲譜,與共振峰走勢三方面 來探討各種不同的語音與標音。目前文獻上對於前高元音零聲母 的標音有兩大類;(a)前高元音[i]能單獨成音節,如「醫,有, 野」讀成[i, iu, ia](梅縣、苗栗、美濃、內埔。(b)另一類有個擦 音聲母,擦音的成分各次方言不同,又可以分為四種:(i)前高元 音零聲母讀為[],如台灣的東勢、海陸、詔安、饒平。(ii)前高 元音零聲母讀為[z](秀篆、南塘)。(iii)前高元音零聲母讀為[j] (台灣南部的新埤、佳冬、高樹、武洛)。我們以詔安客家話為例,經過語音分析後,認為固然有方言的差異,但有些不同卻是來自 語音的標記問題。除外,我們還進行音韻的探索,追尋這些零聲 母的音韻來源,認為前高元音前的零聲母來自於元音的展延現象。

This article is of two purposes: The first one is to explore the phonetic nature of the Hakka zero-initial from the acoustic perspective, while the other is trying to explore what motivates the appearance of the zero-initials on the basis of phonological perspective. In the literature, the treatment of Hakka zero-initials is asymmetrical. While [v], derived from the back high vowel [u], has been unanimously recognized as one of the Hakka phonemic inventories, the zero-initial, ranging from zero to strong fricative [], derived from the front high vowel [i], is entirely ignored or misunderstood. For this reason, a detailed phonetic investigation of this sound is of high importance. In a nutshell, there are essentially two variants for the transcription of Hakka zero-initial, empty or one of the fricatives [z, j, ]. Even if in the same dialect, two divergent transcriptions appear. It is argued based on the findings in this study that, for one thing, there are two kinds of accents in Zaoan, where both [s] and [s/] are present. For the other, the transcription of [z] is not phonetically true in that it is [j]instead. In addition, it is our proposal that both [v] and [j] are phonological derived from the high vowels, [u] and [i], respectively.
Keyword: zero-initial, Hakka, acoustic phonetics, fricatives



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2020-07-07 客家學院

客家 • 中大 NCU • HAKKA