

本文回顧客家桐花祭、客家文化館的相關學術論著,發現既 有研究文獻的質性與量化研究均有,問卷調查多以態度、行為的 量表分析為主,研究客家桐花祭的論著遠多於客家文化園區、客 家文化館。我們針對全國的隨機抽樣問卷調查與統計分析,可歸納出三個主要發現:第一,九成受訪者未曾參觀過龍潭客家文化 館,九成五受訪者未曾參加過客家桐花祭,參加過的以桃園市在 地居民較多。第二,客家人參加的程度比非客家人要高。第三, 中壯年參加過的比例高於年輕世代。第三,邏輯迴歸模型顯示, 年齡世代、族群屬性、桃園在地性與參觀過桃園客家文化館的關 聯較高,主觀社會階層、客觀社會經濟地位則較無關聯。接著, 我們依據問卷調查與統計分析的發現,援引集體記憶的理論,探 討客家桐花祭、客家文化館如何、是否成功地建構、重構客家的 集體記憶。本文結論摘要呈現研究發現,說明研究限制,提出未 來研究建議。本文的研究限制在於未採用質性研究方法(深度訪 談、民族誌、扎根理論),瞭解一般大眾或特定族群對客家桐花祭、 客家文化場館的詮釋。研究建議包括理論與政策兩部分。理論方 面,有興趣的學者可以嘗試採用各種社會學或文化研究的理論, 探討客家文化節慶、客家文化場館的理論意涵。政策方面,本文 的研究發現也指出,政府與文化團體舉辦文化節慶、建設與經營 文化場館,不宜只是著重供給面,也要考慮到需求面,特別是大 眾或特定族群、社經地位群體實際參加或參觀的狀況,他們的評 價、滿意度、反饋意見與評論等,並據以擬定推廣與發展的策略。

The authors reviewed the academic literature focusing on Hakka Tung Blossom Festival and Hakka Museum, and highlighted the features of the quantitative and qualitative studies, most of which pay more attention to Hakka Tung Blossom Festival and quantitative research predominates the literature. Three main findings could be drawn from the authors’ quantitative study, based on randomly sampled telephone survey. First, more than 90% of the interviewees have never visited Hakka Cultural Hall in Taoyuan City and those who used to visit it are mostly local residents. Second, Hakka peopletend to visit the museum than non-Hakka ones. Third, the logistic regression models indicate that age cohorts, ethnic features, and indigenousness are related more to the visit to the museum than subjective identification of social status and objective socioeconomic status. Then, the authors explore the theoretical implications of the findings by adopting the theoretical paradigm of collective memory, and discuss the policy effects of Hakka Tung Blossom Festival and Hakka Cultural Hall. In conclusion, the authors summarize the main findings and list possible research limitations, which include the lack of qualitative research method (in-depth interview, ethnography, or Grounded Theory). Theoretically speaking, scholars interested in the agenda could try to employ various social-culture theories to discuss the theoretical implications of Hakka festivals and Hakka cultural halls. Regarding policy implications, the findings indicate that cultural policies promoting ethno-cultural festivals and museums should not focus exclusively on the supply side. The demand side, especially the participation and evaluation of the public or targeted groups, should be incorporated into policy considerations.
Keyword: Hakka Culture, collective memory, Tung Blossom Festival, Hakka Cultural Hall



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2020-07-07 客家學院

客家 • 中大 NCU • HAKKA