「族群語言」到底說了什麼?分析面向與 理念類型的初探 


族群是瞭解當代台灣政治發展與社會變遷的重要切入點,如何處理族群議題則是民主政治深化發展的一大關鍵,其中一個重要工作是反省「族群語言」。本文主旨在於省思台灣社會的族群現象,探究族群語言的分析意義與操作邏輯,歸納族群語言的理念類型。面對族群語言,我們提出兩種不同的思考角度,其一是反 省批判,其二是理解分析。為了深化民主發展與提升公民意識,我們應該嚴厲批判族群語言的選擇性與操弄性;但從族群研究的角度觀之,我們也願意理解族群語言的社會起源與政治動能。本文認為,唯有兼顧「反省批判」與「理解分析」,才能妥善處理此一重要的當代政治與社會現象。首先,本文釐清與族群有關的一 些概念盲點,牽引出族群的分類性意涵作為討論起點;其次,本文提出成員資格(ethnic membership)與政治時間(political time),作為討論族群語言的分析架構;第三,本文提出四種不同的族群語言理念類型,分別是我族中心、代罪羔羊、集體動員、貼標籤等四種;最後,本文探究台灣社會中族群語言的歷史特殊性與未來觀察重點,嘗試從類型區分、族群關係和民主深化等角度回顧本文旨意。

Ethnic issues are essential to understand the political development and social changes in contemporary Taiwan. Whether democracy can be consolidated in Taiwan depends considerably on the way we deal with ethnic issues. Among other things, one critical task is to reflect on the phenomenon of ethnic talk. This paper aims to reflect on Taiwan’s ethnic phenomenon, analyze the operating logics and analytical significance of ethnic talks, and come up with an ethnic-talk classification. Two approaches are taken in this paper. First, for democracy consolidation and civil society, it is important to take a critical position to condemn the selectivity and manipulation of ethnic talk. Second, for the sake of ethnic studies, it is necessary to provide an intellectual perspective to analyze the social origins and political consequences of ethnic talks in contemporary Taiwan. This paper starts with a clarification of some conceptual misunderstanding and confusion surrounding the ideas of ethnic, ethnic identity and ethnicity. Second, to come up with a classification of ethnic talks, two analytical dimensions are proposed: ethnic membership and political time. Third, four ideal types of ethnic talk are observed. They are correspondingly ethnocentric, scapegoating, collectivemobilizing and labeling. In the end, the author concludes this paper with regards to the classification of ideal types, ethnic relations and democratic consolidation in Taiwan.
Keyword: ethnic talk, ethnocentric, scapegoating, collectivemobilizing, labelling



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2020-07-07 客家學院

客家 • 中大 NCU • HAKKA