


現代漢語方言的分布格局,北方單一、南方細碎,和南北朝的國界相反,卻跟五代十國地圖大致重疊;表示此種格局形成於唐朝崩解之後。透過現今行政區劃跟方言邊界不重合的州縣,尋找歷史上兩者之重合點,本文推論:各大方言區的邊界確立,早不過唐末(公元900 年),晚不過元代(1368 年以前)。歷宋元至明清的文獻表明,客家話和其周邊的閩、贛、粵方言的存在和分布,至少一千年以上。並以客語向外擴張的飛地,逆推移民當年離開故土時,所操語言的種類。

本文推估粵東梅縣地區在五代十國時,才初次設置二級政區的敬州,為客語萌芽期;南宋1175 年《圖經》描述之客家話-閩語的區界通過梅、潮之間,且提出梅、汀、贛人群一體的看法,為客語成長期;漳州客語及汀州東境閩客混合方言則稍晚形成,到元代才比較明朗。明朝中期(1518)《興寧縣志》語音和現今符合,同時期梅縣(1528)、蕉嶺、平遠遷出的飛地語言相較原鄉變化甚微,此時乃客語進入穩定期;閩客混合方言則稍晚(1575)。由於目前所知的飛地產生,均不早於明朝中期(1520 年代),我們推論明朝中期起,至清初以降,為客語外擴期。

Historical document cannot present the direct and systematic reference, nor hardly shows the periodization of the development, formation, and expansion of the Hakka language. Thus, the scholar aims to use proves from administrative division, the boundaries of dialects, chorography, rime dictionaries from different areas, notes from literati, clan pedigrees, and enclaves to reconstruct the developing process of Hakka.

Northern Chinese dialects nowadays have many commonalities, while southern dialects tend to be more distinct. The development of dialects was the reverse in the era of Northern and Southern dynasties. Similarities of geographical distribution can be found between modern dialects and the dialects in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms era. Researchers examined contemporary dialectic divisions in modern China to see if they resembled dialectic divisions of 10th century Imperial China. They found that the Hakka language developed at the end of the Tang Dynasty (900 A.D.) and that contemporary China’s lingual boundaries had formed no later than the Yuan Dynasty (before 1368 A.D.). As a result, the Hakka dialect has existed for over a thousand years, in addition to the Min, Gan, and Yue dialects. Literature from the Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties employed the use of Hakka. The researcher also discussed Hakka’s expansion among mainland China, relating how immigrants brought the Hakka dialect to each new regions.

This paper estimates four phases of the development of the Hakka language. First, in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, it shows that the political district- Jing State is set up in Meixian, which is the budding era of Hakka language. Second, the borderline of Hakka and Min between Meizhou and Chaozhou was described from Atlas in the Southern Song Dynasty in 1175 A.D. Meizhou people from Tinzhou and Ganzhou are integrated, it is the growth era of Hakka language. Zhangzhou Hakka and the mixed dialect of Min and Hakka in eastern Tinzhou have formed afterward, and it has matured until the Yuan Dynasty. Third, in the middle of the Ming Dynasty (1518), the pronunciation of Xingning Chorography conforms to the present Hakka. At the same time, the languages of enclaves which are emigrated from Meixian, Jiaoling, and Pingyuan changes slightly since 1528. The Hakka language then enters a stable era. At last, the outliers from mixed dialects of Min and Hakka appear later (1575). Since the enclaves that are currently known are produced no earlier than the mid-Ming Dynasty (the 1520s), we infer that it is the expansion of Hakka language from the middle of Ming Dynasty to the beginning of Qing Dynasty.
Keyword: the Hakka language, administrative divisions, dialectical borders, outliers, chorography



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2020-07-07 客家學院

客家 • 中大 NCU • HAKKA