1895 年乙未之役中的臺灣客家 



綜觀北部客家的抗日,有幾個面向值得注意:其一,存在游擊抵禦與隨官抗日兩股不同的抗日行動。其二,從官抗日的客家愈往南愈失卻主導力量。其三,北部客家的抗日,讓日本殖民政府不得不改變原本南北兩路並進的攻臺策略,以及必須增兵才得再向南推進,甚至深信必須採取無差別的鎮壓方式才得以威嚇。另一角度來看,北路客家的抗日,讓中南部較遲受戰火波及,也讓在臺南的劉永福,得有更多喘息布防的時間。至於南部六堆客家的抗日,亦存在兩種不同的抗日模式,一是隨官抗日,二是在地抗日。日軍於1895 年10 月下旬宣告全臺大致底定之時,南部的六堆客庄卻仍是臺灣總督府的心頭大患,當地客庄的抗日直至12 月中方以六堆總理向日軍乞降告終。


Taiwan People’s armed resistance of Japanese invasion of Taiwan in 1895 is always a classic study of Taiwan’s History. However, most of those studies emphasis on the nationalism, so the role of Hakka in 1895’s battle is often ignored. Therefore, this article attempts to take the Hakka as the main character and give a glimpse of the general appearance of the North and South Hakka during the 1895’s battle.

There are serval aspects worth noting when we take a look of the Hakka’s armed resistance in North Taiwan: First, there have two different kinds of armed resistance to Japanese, one kind is under the government’s command, and the other is guerrilla. Second, with the battle extending southward, the Hakka’s resistance under the government command gradually lost their power. Third, the resistance of Hakka in North Taiwan has forced the Japanese colonial government change their strategy of attacking Taiwan by both side of north and south, even forced Japanese colonial government send more troops to push the battle line southward. Furthermore, the Japanese colonial government believed that it is necessary to adopt an indiscriminate suppression method to force the Taiwan People surrender. From another point of view, the armed resistance of Hakka in the north Taiwan delayed the battle in south Taiwan, made General Liu Yongfu and his armies have more time to prepare the battle. The armed resistance of Japanese of Hakka in the south Taiwan also has two different models, one is under the officer’s command, another is resistance in their Hakka village, especially in Liudui area. Even when the Japanese colonial government announced they have controlled most of Taiwan at late October, 1895, the Hakka’s resistance in Liudui area is still continuing. They did not surrender until mid-December of 1895.

Why the Hakka groups in north and south Taiwan decided to resist Japanese? In this article we conclude following possibilities: defend their homeland, follow the Yimin tradition of Hakka to help the government calm rebellion, doubt about the new government, or only try to protect their old traditions. As for the characteristics of the Hakka armed-resistance Japanese in the north and south Taiwan, there are: the use of defensive dwellings, guerrilla and the repeated deception tactics, Swift and fierce and recalcitrant image, and the participation of the whole people, including women and children, etc. From a comprehensive perspective, since the establish of the Republic of Formosa, the Hakka has participated in it, and through the armed-resistance Japanese of Hakka in north Taiwan, from Hsinchu even to Tainan, and the armed-resistance Japanese of Hakka in Liudui of south Taiwan, we can find it is a kind of diversified appearance, and the ring Interlocking relationship.

Because of the armed-resistance of north and south Hakka, the speed of Japanese armies southward have been delayed, and forced Japanese colonial government send more troops, changed their strategy to occupied Taiwan. Even after the Japanese colonial government announced they have controlled Taiwan, the Hakka resistance in Liudui area still exert certain pressure on the colonial government.



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2020-07-07 客家學院

客家 • 中大 NCU • HAKKA