

自清高宗乾隆41 年(1776 年)起,臺灣北部即有跨越大清帝國、大日本帝國和中華民國的地方政府檔案保存至今,因此,要研究此一地區的開發史,實有相當豐富的史料可資引證。而除了官方檔案,民間所藏之史料如家譜、契約書、筆記和傳說等等,也是研究地方開發史重要的資料。本文即以清代《淡新檔案》和家譜等史料為基礎,耙梳廣東省惠潮嘉道嘉應州(梅州市)鎮平縣(蕉嶺縣)新鋪鎮同福村客家曾亮寅兄弟家族後裔在桃園直轄市地區的歷史,兼以為所有先人於清代即生活在北臺灣的臺灣人,演示與例證如何循同樣的文獻和田野調查研究方法重建家族史。

Since 1776, there have been a lot of local governmental archives of the Qing Dynasty, the Japanese Empire, and the Republic of China preserved in the north of Taiwan. Therefore, there are rich materials for the historical study of the development of this area. In addition to official archives, historical materials such as genealogies, contracts, notes, and legends collected by the folks are also important. Based on these materials, such as the Qing Dynasty’s Tan-Hsin Archives and genealogy books, this article articulates the history of the Taoyuan Hakka family, Tseng Liang-Ing, who was born in Tongfu Village, Xinpu Township, Zhenping County (Jiaoling County), Guangdong Province. It exemplifies how to rebuild the family history following the same literature and field research methods for all Taiwanese whose ancestors lived in northern Taiwan in the Qing dynasty.



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2020-07-07 客家學院

客家 • 中大 NCU • HAKKA