教育部於2009、2010 年公布了兩批「臺灣客家語書寫推薦用字」,其中第一批編號260 的「細義」一詞,其詞義和用法皆相當於臺灣閩南語中的「細膩」。從音、義兩方面來探求本字,究竟孰優孰劣?本
Ministry of Education announced two lists of recommended Taiwanese Hakka characters. 細義(se ngi, No.260) was defined to share the similar meanings and word usages with Taiwanese 細膩(sè-jī). After the exploration of their pronunciation and meaning, which one is superior to another? In addition to the comparison of the use cases of diction in Taiwanese and Hakka, this article also reviews and analyzes the use cases of diction in the aboriginal dictionary of Chinese southern Fujian and Hakka. It also proposes some amendments, beneficial to the promotion of Taiwanese local languages and characters.
Keywords: Hakka, Taiwanese, 細義(se ngi), 細膩(sè-jī), original characters searching