畲客關係的名實論證-客的前世是畲 畲的今生是客 


全文從名稱、地域分布、畲地名、盤瓠信仰、歷史遷徙、嬲歌即山歌、輋畲客特徵詞、畲客語音特色等八大方面,舉證說明客家是唐宋時期在閩粵贛山區的苗瑤Yao,慢慢加入壯侗成分形成畲客,後來,部分畲客搬往浙西、閩東,留在閩粵贛山區的的就轉化成客家。 文分九部分論證,依循名與實的對立比較,最後點出客的前世是畲,畲的今生是客。

Through the review and discussion of eight aspects – The designation and naming, the place names of She people, the Panhu worship and believe, the Human migration, the identification of she song as Hakka mountain songs and She Hakka distinctive words, this paper will explain that the origin of the Hakka people is the Miao and Yao people who lived in the mountain areas of the border region between Fujian, Guangdong, and Jiangxi Provinces during Tang and Song Dynasties. Gradually the Miao and Yao people mingled with part of the Zhuang ethnic group and became the She ,hakka people. Afterward part of the She Hakka people migrated to western Zhejiang and eastern Fujian, those who didn’t move out and stayed in the mountain areas of Fujian, Guangdong, and Jiangxi Provinces are the ancestors of the Hakka people. This paper is divided into nine parts, discussion and analysis of eachpart are according to the principle of the Name and Essence notion. The purpose of this paper is to point out that the origin of Hakka people is She people, and the present She people can be identified as Hakka people.
Keywords: She Hakka , mountain people, Shanha, Panhu, lao song, semi-muddy initial of the rising tone



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2020-07-07 客家學院

客家 • 中大 NCU • HAKKA