

關鍵字:客家語 教科書 康軒版 翰林版 部編版

Participating in community affairs is a crucial step for women to enter the public sphere (i.e., communities) from the private sphere (i.e., families).In this study, a community development association in Taoyuan was investigated to outline the actions and negotiation strategies performed by older Hakka women when confronted by social gender norms and pressure from families as they became active within the community. Furthermore, this study describes the gender division of labor and gender politics involved in these women’s participation in community affairs as well as their response strategies. In-depth interviews and participant observation were employed. Community participants of both genders were interviewed to understand their motivation and the process of joining the community development association; the tasks of community affairs; the relationship between community affairs and families; and difficulties faced by the association. The results revealed that the Hakka women do not completely adhere to traditional gender roles, nor do they consider the public and private spheres as two mutually exclusive categories. These women are actors who have the agency to participate in community affairs. They reflect on their social position and actively mediate between the public and private spheres, and further transform discourse and make negotiations that do not directly lead to conflicts. These are the reflexivity actions undertaken by the older women with little social capital to intervene in societal affairs after they have observed increasingly many women actively develop themselves, participate in society, and recognize their own social position. These actions also explain how the older Hakka women restructure and interpret themselves as subjects within the structure of traditional gender roles in a time of rapid social change. For these women, families and communities are overlapping public and private spheres. When showing their agency and actively participating in community affairs, they attempt to challenge the separation between the public and private spheres, while they are still ambiguously intertwined with the patriarchal logic that is male-centered and promotes male identity and male domination.



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2020-07-07 客家學院

客家 • 中大 NCU • HAKKA