1920 年代初期,客家第一次從區域性分散的地緣性團體,聯合 成立「客屬」組織,開創全球客家族群的連結想像。胡文虎無疑是 在整體客家想像建構過程中重要的關鍵人物,香港崇正總會創立 後,陸續展開客家族群研究以及跨域客家社團的串聯,胡文虎一方 面透過資助羅香林創立客家學,考證客家源流,建立客家族群的論 述,推進客家共同意識的形成。另一方面也藉由羅香林的論述宣揚 客家意識與客家文化,推動創建新馬各地的客家分會。然而來自不同祖籍地,彼此間的腔調及語言使用甚至是難以相 互溝通的客家人並非理所當然即形成想像的群體,本文擬透過考察 胡文虎與其打造客家網絡的過程,探究 1920 年代客家的論述,如何 透過印刷報業的傳遞擴散及客家社團間的情感連結,將祖籍、腔調 殊異的各地客家人凝聚成想像的共同體。
The Hakka people were dispersed into regional groups until the early 1920s; formal Hakka organizations were first established, and the imagination of Hakka linkage was then created. Aw Boon Haw is undoubtedly one of most important iconic persons in the Hakka ethnic imagination, in the ways the Hakka people construct a united identity when they were originally separated in different ancestral homes. This paper will explore the discourses of Hakka identities in the 1920s, by gazing into the life of Aw Boon Haw, and also examining how he established a Hakka network through propaganda in the newspapers, and also via an emotional umbilical cord within Hakka associations, so that Hakka people, who have different family origins and accents, created their imagined communities.