有鑑於客家傳統建築在建築現代化過程中逐漸消失的情形,本研究透過田野調查法、訪談研究法與問卷調查法,探討 位於萬巒和麟洛兩鄉客家傳統建築裝飾,與居民對傳統建築裝 飾文化意涵認知程度與保存意願。研究結果發現,萬巒和麟洛 客家傳統建築裝飾承襲中國傳統哲學思想和儒家禮教觀念,表達追 求人與自然和諧統一與祈求家宅平安的生存觀念。此外,萬巒與麟 洛兩鄉居民對傳統建築裝飾文化意涵相關知識具有不同理解的 程度,其理解程度與居民的年齡、居住時間和住宅形式等因素相關。居民普遍認為傳統建築裝飾具有藝術文化價值及教育意 義。我們建議應透過教育來重建居民對客家傳統建築的新思維, 並且鼓勵新工法及制定相關獎勵措施,以期有效保存客家傳統建築裝飾。
The number of traditional Hakka houses has decreased because of the trend of architectural modernization. This study used fieldwork, interviews, and questionnaires to investigate the decorations of traditional Hakka housing in Wanluan and Linluo, as well as the residents’ perceptions of and attitudes toward preserving the decorations of the traditional housing in these towns. The results revealed that the decorations of traditional Hakka housing are based on Chinese traditional philosophical thinking, the Confucian code of ethics, the harmony between humans and nature, and the concept of safeguarding families against danger. We determined that the residents’ perceptions of the decorations of the traditional Hakka housing were related to age, living period, and the form of housing in which they lived. Most residents appreciated the artistic and cultural value of decorations and their education functions. We suggested that modifying the residents’ perceptions of traditional Hakka architectural decorations, adopting new methods for construction, and offering incentives would be an effective policy for preserving traditional Hakka architectural decorations.