台灣的客家話方言豐富,有四縣、海陸、饒平、大埔、詔安等,其中以四縣和海陸兩種腔調的使用人口占大多數。南庄鄉的四縣客 語是優勢語言,海陸客語在當地是相對弱勢語言。這裡的弱勢海陸 與新竹的強勢海陸客家話比較,可以看出其語音變異,其中聲調穩 定,聲母及韻母各有變化,最明顯的是舌葉濁擦音[ʒ]的消失。本研 究以家戶語言微觀分布為基礎,認為過去文獻探討的各種「四海話」 其實是弱勢語言的音變現象,與優勢語的分布關係密切,不應列為 獨立的新語種。
There are different varieties of Hakka in Taiwan, for example, Sixian, Hailu, Dapu, Raoping, and Zhaoan. Sixian and Hailu are the varieties with most speakers. Sixian Hakka is the major language in Nanzhuang. Hailu Hakka is a relatively minor language in terms of number of speakers. In comparing this Hailu Hakka with the Hailu Hakka variety spoken in Xinzhu County, we see some phonological differences. The tonal system is stable without any change. Initial consonants and vowels have some variations. The most noticeable one is the loss of alveopalatal [ʒ]. This study is based on microscopic studies of household distribution of languages. Further analysis of sound variations especially with respect to the so-called “Sihai” dialect has led us to take the view that it is a variation of language in contact with others. It reflects some characteristics of the dominant language and not an independent new language.