新加坡和馬來亞華族的新式教育和學堂始於二十世紀首十年。 其間,客家人在新馬兩地開辦四所學校,分別是檳城的中華學堂(創辦於 1904 年)和崇華學堂(1908 年)以及新加坡的應新學堂(1905 年)和啟發學堂(1906 年)。但每所學校的建立都有其不同的首要目的:有者是為了為國育才,有者則是為同鄉子弟教育。 每所學堂的創辦人的背景也有所差異:有的是南洋富豪,也有的是地方商人;有的具有親清廷色彩,有者帶有革命意識,也有的沒有 明顯的政治認同。但每所學校的創辦或多或少與華人會館或廟祠有 所關聯。本文將從新馬兩地四校的創辦,來論析客家人與新馬華文 教育的關係,進而剖析學校的創辦與國家和族群意識的關係。從這些案例中也可以看出客家人的身份認同、國家認同、和終極關懷有何不同?
The modernization of Chinese education and schools in British Singapore and Malaya began at the first decade of the 20th century. Within this period, the Hakka in Singapore and Malaya established four schools, they were: Penang Zhonghua School (set up in 1904), Chonghua School (1908), Yingxin School(1905) and Qifa School (1906). Each and every school was established with their individual idealism: to foster talents for the country; or to provide education for the juniors of fellow villagers from China. The backgrounds of the founders differed from rich and powerful Nanyang businessmen to local merchants; some were embracers of the Qing government while others were revolutionaries or politically neutral. Nonetheless, the establishments of the schools were, in a way or other, linked to Chinese dialect-group associations or temples. This paper will begin the analysis of relations between the Hakka and the Chinese education of Singapore and Malaya from their founding of these four schools, to the relationship between the establishment of the schools and nationalism and ethic consciousness. From these case studies, we can also see the differences in how the Hakka view their social identity, national identity and their ultimate concerns.