六堆地區客家傳統民宅營建匠師 職場歷程初探:以後堆為例 


近年來台灣傳統民宅的研究記錄與保存意識漸盛,民宅的營建 大都因地制宜並就地取材,同時也多聘請當地匠師從事營建工作, 由於地方風俗加上匠師本身技藝及審美趣味的差異,因此也衍生出 不同的特色。六堆地區是台灣南部客家重鎮,由於商業化程度不深、 變遷較慢,因此各鄉鎮間至今仍保有獨特的客家文化傳統,與北部 客家相較,六堆傳統的建築則更能反映傳統客家建築的風貌。然相 對於建築本身所受到的關注,營建匠師因被視為工匠,因此向來不 受重視。事實上,傳統民宅營建的主導匠師幾乎是一手包辦民宅的 營建工程,可說是地方建築景觀的主要建構者,其重要性不言可喻。 因此在探究客家傳統民宅的營建特色前,實應先將研究的焦點回歸 至匠師本身,透過匠師再進一步深入探究相關的營建實體。因此本 文擬以六堆核心之「後堆」為研究範圍,以生長於其間且早年皆以營建傳統合院式民宅之老匠師為研究主體,透過這些老匠師的現身 說法,對其早年習藝的動機、技藝的傳承、職場的範圍及其議價模 式進行初步的探究,最後並進一步探究其議價模式及工程形態的轉 變對匠師施工態度的影響,除對這群曾在六堆地區默默奉獻過心力 的匠師能有較為深刻的認識外,亦期對未來基層泥水師傅的養成教 育及施作模式與心態能有更為深刻的反省。

A good archiving system for studying records of traditional residences has been needed by professionals in recent years. Since most houses were built with local materials and many elderly master craftsmen were hired to construct the houses, their skills and various aesthetic concepts as well as local customs are reflected in local architectural characteristics. As a result, the Hakka houses in Liutui are full of traditional features. Liutui is an important Hakka township in southern Taiwan and the unique Hakka culture is well maintained, particularly the traditional residences. Its style is very different from the Min style. Unfortunately, the buildings were more highly valued than the elderly masters. In fact, they are the main builders of local buildings and their importance cannot be ignored. This study will focus on the elderly masters who built the houses in Houtui, part of Liutui. By learning about their lives, we will understand their motivation to become artisans, the heritage of skill, scope of construction and pricing process. The changes in the pricing process and engineering methods greatly influenced their works. The researcher tries to provide a profound understanding of the elderly master artisans who have devoted themselves to the construction of traditional-style buildings in Liutui.



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2020-07-07 客家學院

客家 • 中大 NCU • HAKKA