本研究目的為調查台灣客家人口最集中的桃竹苗區域中客家族群之社會文化狀況。調查對象為居住於桃竹苗地區二十歲以上公民,從 2004 年十二月六日至十二月十六日(不含假日),總計九天,完成 2,370 份有效樣本。調查方法採電話訪問方式,利用電腦輔助電話調查系統(WIN-CATI)。抽樣方法採戶中抽樣之「任意成人法」,以接電話第一人,且符合二十歲以上、具投票權與完整表達能力條件者為本研究調查之合格受訪者。有效樣本數為 2,370 份,其中客家族群樣本共計 1,074 份,佔總樣本數的 45.53%,抽樣誤差為±2.01%(95%信心水準)。本研究所抽取之四縣市客家人口樣本結構,經與各縣市母體人口總數進行卡方檢定,在 5%的顯著水準下,並未呈現統計上的顯著差異性,顯示本研究之樣本具代表性。調查題目分為兩大類:一類是桃竹苗客家族群的客家身份認同、客家語言使用、客家社會文化型態、客家族群認同、台灣主體意識與立場、客家事務機構的施政評價、社會與政治的參與情形、政治信任感。另一類為受訪者之個人背景資料,包括:年齡、居住地區、教育程度、職業、性別。本調查之完成對於瞭解客家族群在語言使用、社會文化與政治經濟方面的狀況助益甚大。
The purpose of this investigation is to explore the social-cultural change of Hakka society in Northern Taiwan, focusing upon the issues of political-economics, social-culture, and language. A valid sample of 2,340 is selected from the population located on Northern Taiwan, including three counties (Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Miaoli) and Hsinchu City. Telephoned survey is processing through WIN-CATI system operated by the Research Center for Public Opinion and Election Studies (RCPOES), National Taipei University. The Hakka sample has reached 1,074, around 45.53% of the total 2,340 samples. The research has approximately reached +2.01% sampling error at the level of confidence of 95% for the Hakka sample. The Chi-square test for the Hakka sample and population showed statistically insignificant relationship for each county, which means our research has a representative Hakka sample. The completion of this survey is quite important to understand the social-cultural change of the Hakka in Northern Taiwan.