在「客家人」最重要的聚居地韓江流域,把「客家人」視為一 個族群的觀念,是在數百年漫長的歷史演變過程中逐漸形成的。這 一觀念的形成,明顯受到該地域百姓口耳相傳的關於祖先來源的「歷 史記憶」的影響,但其關鍵之處,在於實現對日常生活經驗所形成 的人群分類觀念的超越。在這一過程中,近代族群分類意識的傳入、 近代教育的推廣和近代城市興起所引起的生活方式的改變,起了重 要的作用。
It is a long historical process in constructing Hakka as an ethnic identity in the Han River area, one of the main habitations of the Hakka people in south China. Although the historical memories based on folks about where Hakka people’s ancestors came from have largely influenced the formation of Hakka ethnicity, which more important is that, it has transcended the identity categories formed by daily life experiences. The introduction of modern racial discourse, the promotion of modern education and the changes of life style brought by the rising of modern cities have played crucial roles in this process of transformation.