估方式,分析桃園市屬於「客語為主要通行語地區」的國小,其客語師資缺額及供需推估方式。本研究採用「桃園市108 學年第
1、2 學期客語開課班數暨修習人數統計」資料,研究證實,桃園
市「客語為主要通行語地區」的84 間國小普遍符合教育部對普通
四縣腔與海陸腔需專科教師的人數普遍不到1 位,但仍有少數學
校有超過1 位的需求。第二,依學校規模推估客語專長教師需求
After Hakka is incorporated into the national language and
becomes the required native language option for elementary schools
every week, does the supply of Hakka teachers in elementary schools
meet the demand for supply? What are the methods for estimating the
shortage of Hakka teachers? This article deals with this problem. The
research confirms that the 84 elementary schools in Taoyuan City
where “Major Hakka Regional Language Areas” generally meet the
requirements of the Ministry of Education. The teacher-student ratio
of the class is only inconsistent with the regulations in a few
elementary schools. The results of the estimation of teacher shortages
in this article are as follows: First, estimate the number of Hakka
teachers required by the number of lessons in the native language. The number of special teachers in the Sixian Hakka and Hailu Hakka is
generally less than one, but still a few schools need more than one.
Second, the number of Hakka teachers required is estimated based on
the size of the school. The current number of Hakka teachers in
elementary schools in the six districts of Taoyuan City is far lower
than the adjusted demand estimated based on the size of the school.
Third, according to the results of the questionnaire survey of this
research, the ideal teacher-student ratio of 1:15 is used to estimate the
number of Hakka teachers. It is found that the elementary schools in
the six districts of Taoyuan City are very short of hourly teachers in
the Sixian Hakka and Hailu Hakka.