

本文探究的是生命主體與客家語言之間的關係,客家語言不 僅僅是溝通的語言、或者被拿來強調要保存的語言而已,它具有 更豐富而立體的社會文化心理意涵,這些是生命主體在生命經驗 中所產生的實踐知識。本文採用立足點理論(standpoint theory) 來論述在強勢語言的影響下,處於弱勢語言的客家話如何在生命 主體的生命經驗中,開展出更為全面而獨特的知識觀點。透過深 度訪談以及敘事分析法的分析與詮釋,本研究發現客家語言對於 生命主體而言,具有三個層面的意涵,分別是:客家語言作為一種機會與學習、客家語言作為回鄉的連結 ── 一種族群自信心、 客家語言作為一種主體性認同。最後,從立足點理論來進行對話 時發現,透過客家語言的使用反思,生命主體可能產生獨特而多 樣的客家立足點:情感性召喚的客家立足點、跨越邊界的客家立 足點、及全然置身的客家立足點,這些不同的立足點也引領著不 同的實踐行動與社會建構。

This particular article aims at understanding the relationship between subjects of life and Hakka language. Hakka language is not only used for talk or seen as cultural heritage, but it actually has valuable and dynamic implications in social cultural psychology, which are practical knowledge resulted from experiences of subjects of life. Standpoint theory is therefore applied to discuss how a disadvantaged Hakka language living in the experiences of subjects of life can be developed into more overall and distinctive knowledge perspectives under the influences of dominant languages. By the research methods of in-depth interview and narrative analysis, three implications of Hakka language for subjects of life have been found, which are opportunity and learning, connection to own hometown – an ethnic self-confidence, and identity of subjectivity. Standpoint theory also reveals that through the reflection from the usage of Hakka language, the subjects of life may have distinctive and diverse Hakka standpoints: sentimental, across-borders, and centered. These standpoints have also led the subjects of life to various practical actions and social construction.



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2020-07-07 客家學院

客家 • 中大 NCU • HAKKA