第三卷 第二期


1 觀光產業與地方性形構-以橫山鄉內灣地區為例/Tourist Industry and Locality Formation: A Case Study of Neiwan

客家觀光;觀光地景;地方文化產業;中介者;Hakka tourism; tourism landscape; local cultural industries; mediators

呂欣怡(Hsin-Yi Lu) 全文下載

2 客家藝人媒體現身策略與構築意象之分析/The Media Image and Strategy Analysis of Hakka Actors/Actresses in the Newspaper

客家藝人報導;媒體策略;客家意象;現身;內容分析; Hakka actor/actress; media strategy; Hakka image; come out; content analysis

吳翠松(Tsui-Sung Wu) 全文下載

3 客家童詩教學與創作析探-以馮喜秀作品為例/Analysis and Exploration on Teaching and Creation of the Hakka Children’s Poems

客家;童詩;客家童詩;童詩教學;童詩創作; Hakka; Children’s Poems; Hakka Children’s Poems; Teaching of Hakka Children’s Poems; Creation of Hakka Children’s Poems

鍾屏蘭(Ping-Lan Chung) 全文下載

4 多重認同與台灣人意識-吳濁流《亞細亞的孤兒》的一種解讀/Multiple Identity and Taiwanese Consciousness:An Interpretation of Zhuoliu Wu’s Orphan of Asia

台灣人意識;多重認同;認同歧異;族群衝突; Taiwanese Consciousness; Multiple Identity; Diversities of Identities; Ethnic Conflicts

黃信洋(Shin-Yang Huang) 全文下載

5 從1926年臺灣漢人籍貫調查資料看「臺灣客家傳統地域」/An Observation of “Taiwan Hakka Traditional Region” from the Survey Material of Taiwanese Han People’s Ancestral Home, 1926

臺灣在籍漢民族鄉貫別調查;客家傳統地域;日本時代; 臺灣廣東人籍貫;2004 年客家人口基礎資料調查; “Taiwan-zaiseki-kannmizoku-kyoukanbetsu-chyousa”; “Taiwan Hakka Traditional Region”; the Japanese rule in Taiwan; Taiwanese with ancestral home in Canton; Survey on Basic Material of Hakka Population in 2004

張正田(Zheng-Tian Zhang) 全文下載


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2020-07-07 客家學院

客家 • 中大 NCU • HAKKA