NCU HAKKA COLLEGE E-PAPER 第094期 2009/10/01出刊/ 半月刊    








Objectives This camp is especially designed for assisting overseas Chinese to experience Hakka culture, to get a better understanding of original Hakka history, to further their interests in aspects, such as Hakka language, folk, music, drama, and eventually to enrich their global Hakka viewpoints as well.


二、 主辦單位:行政院客家委員會、僑務委員會。
Sponsors Council for Hakka Affairs ,Executive Yuan
Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission

三、 承辦單位:中國青年救國團。
Organizer China Youth Corps

四、 預定辦理時間及人數:2009年12月8日至12月28日,預估參加人數35 人。
December 8th to December 28th, 2009
Estimated Number of Participants 35 overseas young people

五、 報名時間:2009年8月6日起至11月16日止。
Application Admission
August 6 th to November 16 th, 2009

六、 報名方式:


Locations of Application Download the application form from the website of Council for Hakka Affairs, ( or Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission ( After completing the form, please bring it in person or mail to the R.O.C. Embassies, Consulates, or other representative offices.


(一) 申請人須16足歲以上,27足歲以下(以護照所載年齡為準),現居海外,身心健康、學行良好、能適應團體生活,以客家或認同客家文化之華裔青年為優先錄取對象。
(二) 為使參加機會均等普及,同一家庭以1人參加為原則,餘須列為候補;多胞胎則不受此限。

Qualifications for Application
1. The applicant should be aged 16 to 27.
2. The applicant should be those who are living overseas in good condition, and performing well in academic studies.
3. The applicant should be adaptable to live in groups, and overseas decendants of Hakka, or those who recognize the Hakka culture
4. For the sake of fairness, a family could be only reserved one member to participate in this culture camp(twins are excluded).


1. 報名表(如附件)。
2. 統一格式之健康檢查項目表(如附件,未作「檢驗室檢查」項目者不予受理)。
3. 已簽名之營隊注意事項。
4. 醫療保險影印本。
5. 出生證明或護照影印本。
6. 近6個月半身照片4張(護照尺寸,2”x2”),其中3張黏貼於報名表,1張黏貼於健康檢查項目表。


Procedures of Application
1. The following documents should be submitted in person or by mail :
(1)Application form (see attachment).
(2)Health certificate (see attachment).
(3)General rules and regulations(with signature).
(4)A copy of health insurance card.
(5)A copy of the applicant’s birth certificate or passport.
(6)Four passport-sized photos ( 2” x 2”) taken within 6 months.
2. The documents mentioned above should be submitted or mailed in time.



* 2009-2研習營報名簡章下載
* 報名表下載





◆ 發行單位 / 國立中央大學客家學院
◆ 榮譽發行人/ 蔣偉寧校長
◆ 發 行 人/ 江明修院長
◆ 編輯顧問 / 王俐容老師、李世暉老師、周錦宏老師、孫煒老師、張翰璧老師、陳定銘老師、陳秀琪老師、羅肇錦老師、鄭曉峰老師(依照姓氏筆畫)
◆ 主   編/ 陳巧媚
◆ 編 輯 群/ 涂政強、彭淑姿、黃信彰、林筱蓉、彭瑞珠、江欣潔、鄧閔文
◆ 網頁設計 / 杜靖瀅
◆ 連絡電話 / 03-4227151#33467