NCU HAKKA COLLEGE E-PAPER 第160期 2012/07/01出刊/ 半月刊



The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment

【文、圖/賴彥澄 (國立中央大學客家政治經濟研究所研二生)】


  Generally speaking, religion-based non-profit organizations has experienced a prosper development in Taiwan. They have large scales, high vitality, and strong cohesion and capabilities of mobilization. Their operational characteristics (see Figure ) are based on faith, such as the founding of organizations, collective participation, investment of resources, output of services, and mutual trust and cooperation. Every volunteer of the Bliss-Wisdom Foundation plays a colorful and critical role, which combines an activist, a facilitator, a supporter, and a demonstrator. In the meantime, the volunteers function as service provision, value preservation, advocacy of improvement, and enhancement of social harmony. When they are undertaking a voluntary service, they show spirits of facing the music and an attitude that is ready for teamwork. They make devotions whole-heartedly and without complaints or regrets. Through wide and frequent interactive networks, Bliss-Wisdom seizes the advantages of opportunities, resources, and teamwork, which then brings active innovation and vitality in return to the organization. The organization also increases its capabilities by working more systematically, institutionally, innovatively, and professionally. The ultimate goal is to provide comprehensive, stable, and sustainable social service. Through the analysis of this case study on social capital, the study finds the following facts.

The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment

  The relational, structural and cognitive embeddedness of social capital construct the values of intra-organizational trust, reciprocal norms, and network connections. Seeing that the internal values are conducive to the overall organizational developments in integration of professionals, members’ voluntarism of involvement, and multiplicity of created opportunities, the value essence created by social capital is a key to a stable, favorable development of the organization.

  The innovative developments in terms of organizational knowledge, management, technology andproducts arise from the relational, structural and cognitive embeddeness of social capital. The conditions of abundant resources, multiple thinking, and voluntary participation are derived from the implicit reciprocity and intensity of embeddedness. These conditions decide if knowledge delivery and resource sharing flows smoothly and successfully. Therefore, the features of embeddedness are the key factors in equipping the organization with innovation and adaptability. Innovative developments embodied by the flows of social capital can be considered as the second key to a stable, favorable development of the organization.









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