NCU HAKKA COLLEGE E-PAPER 第158期 2012/06/01出刊/ 半月刊



An Impact of Embedded Network on Organizational Innovation From the Viewpoint of Social Capital

【文/賴彥澄 (國立中央大學客家政治經濟研究所研二生)】


  As contemporary organizations sustain their development based on the prerequisite of innovation, the paper discusses the correlations between embeddedness and organizational innovation. The network types of relational embeddedness, structural embeddedness and cognitive embeddedness are analysed from the viewpoint of social capital. The research object is Bliss-Wisdom Public Welfare Legal Entity of typical Taiwanese religion-based non-profit organization. The study is cross-validated by a literature review, deep interviews, and participant observations of the case. The findings indicate: (1) The relational, structural, and cognitive embeddedness of social capital embody the values of intra-organizational trust, reciprocal norms, and networking connections, which further the organizational development in the following characteristics: integration of professional convergence, voluntarism of members’ participation, and the full multiplicity of opportunity creation; and (2) The embedded networks facilitate a fully inter-organizational knowledge delivery and resource sharing. It also enhances organizational innovation and adaptability in terms of knowledge, management, skills, and products, which then reduces dealing costs and environmental uncertainty. However, homogeneity and enclosure of social capital usually means a risk of being isolated. The difficulty of being integrated into society limits organizational growth and multiple developments. As a result, the paper recommends increasing chances to exchange experiences with heterogeneous organizations under the premise of mutual respect and learning. The chances also prove themselves as strategic accesses to motivate multiple developments and innovation.

Keywords: social capital, embedded network, innovation, Bliss-Wisdom system, religion-based non-profit organization








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